There can be a lot of joy in simple foods, especially some simple, healthy comfort foods from childhood. Often, when we are thinking about what to eat, we consider complex foods that may take a long time to prepare. I want to bring you back to the pleasure of these simple healthy comfort foods. These comfort foods taste yummy, but we often forget about eating them.
I also want to challenge you. As you read this list of healthy comfort foods, you might gloss over some ideas that don't immediately invoke a craving. I suggest you slow down and reconsider those foods. Try them! You might reignite the enjoyment you forgot you can have from these simple healthy comfort foods.

17 Healthy Comfort Foods You Forgot About
peanut butter on soft whole wheat bread
crackers and cheese
bagel with melted cheese
popcorn popped in a pot with oil, add salt afterwards
scrambled egg on buttered toast
tuna fish prepared with mayo on crackers
carrots dipped in dressing
apple freshly cut into thin slices
baked sweet potato
baked potato with butter or cheese
fresh strawberries
fresh cooked corn on the cob, add salt or butter
apple dipped in peanut butter
peanuts that come in the shell
macaroni with melted cheese and a sprinkle of salt and pepper
chocolate milk
cheese stick
Reignite the Joy in These Healthy Comfort Foods
These healthy comfort foods are all really simple foods with great flavor. Many people remember these foods from their childhood and just think of them as food for kids. But these foods are wonderful! These simple healthy comfort foods can add enjoyment to your eating.